Virus Effect Remover
Virus Effect Remover - это инструмент который поможет вам справиться с последствиями вирусной аттаки, повлекшей за собой изменение в Реестре Windows и Файловой системе. Так же определяет ошибки реестра сделанные вирусом и делает доступными: диспетчер задач, редактор реестра, свойства папки, и т.д.
Key Features:
- Automatic process scanner which arrange the process tree in specific manner.
- Complete Process Tree with parent and child combination.
- Many more Control For Process like suspend and resume .
- Attractive GUI which help you to work with it.
- Three Step File Deletion which help to delete file without NTFS permission .
- Complete removal of any Executable with original File.
- Module Unlocker which help you to delete any module used by any process with out terminating that process .
- More registry integration...
- NTFS Security Permission analyzer which help you to access file restricted by Virus.
- Complete service list.
- Very Effective Startup Manager which help you to remove suspicious entry.
- Dll removed to make it compact.
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serg_ko 25/11/09 Просмотров: 1079