Instantbird 0.2 Final

Кроссплатформенная и мультипротокольная программа для интернет-общения, построенный на основе технологий Mozilla и Pidgin. Программа работает со всеми известными протоколами, такими как AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Google Talk, ICQ, MSN, IRC, QQ, XMPP, MySpace и Yahoo. Кроме того, производителем заявлена поддержка расширений Firefox, SeaMonkey, SunBird и Thunderbird.

Conversations in Tabs
Conversations are grouped in Tabs, ensuring you never feel swamped by conversations windows poping up everywhere.
The tabs are easy to use: you can drag them to reorder them, or move a conversation into a new window.
Talk to all your friends
With Instantbird, you can now talk to all your friends with a single application!
AIM, Yahoo, MSN, Google Talk and even Facebook are supported!
Customizable conversations
With a few carefully designed message themes available by default and hundreds more available as add-ons, there's all you need to make your conversations feel personal.
Let's turn them into a colorful, delightful experience!
Always here for you
Instantbird will work on all your computers, whether they are running Windows, Mac OS X or Linux.
Being free and Open-Source, you will never have to pay to use it.
You will never have to learn to use another IM client again!
Powerful tools just where you need them
Powerful tools like inline search or zoom are built-in to help you get the most out of your conversations.
More are available as add-ons, thanks to Instantbird's limitless extensibility!

What's New in This Release:
- Localized in Finnish, French, Polish and Russian. Support for more languages will come in later releases.
- Redesigned Conversation window
- Preferences window: Instantbird finally has a preferences window. Even though it will look very familiar to users of Firefox or Thunderbird, it contains lots of options that are very specific to Instantbird.
- Visual refresh: The conversations windows, the buddy list and the account manager have been visually simplified to improve their usability, especially when resized to small windows.
- Better status handling
- Basic log viewer accessible from the buddy list or conversation tab context menus.
- Buddy list context menu: provides a way to remove buddies, move buddies between groups and an option to show offline buddies.
- Alias buddies: usable from the buddy list context menu, or with the F2 key.
- Protocol plugins can be loaded as extensions. See our blog post for more details.
- Installer on Windows.
- Lots of minor improvements, among them
- Updated: Instantbird 0.2 is based on libpurple 2.6.6 and Mozilla
- Improved stability: we used the crash reports that we got from the 0.2 pre-releases and nightly builds to fix bugs that resulted in crashes.
Скачать программу Instantbird 0.2 Final (8,09 МБ):
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Скорее всего, ещё не все в курсе, что Вконтакта запустила свой джаббер-сервер