FastPictureViewer Home Basic Edition 1.00 Build 106

FastPictureViewer - простой в использовании просмотровщик графических файлов. Основным достоинством программы является очень быстрая работа с файлами большого размера, которое заключается в том, что используется не классические методы рендеринга изображений, а считывает их с помощью графического чипа видеокарты. Программа не имеет расширенных возможностей, предлагаемых прочими приложениями (типа редактирования и конвертирования файлов), но со своей основной функцией справляется замечательно. Поддерживается просмотр отдельных файлов и целых папок, имеется набор самых простых опций. В бесплатной версии программы поддерживаются только форматы JPEG и Microsoft HD Photo (*.hdp, *.wdp).

Возможности программы:
- Vista support (runs as Standard User with UAC enabled)
- Unicode support, handles image and folder names in any written language
- Color management let you see your Adobe RGB or ProPhoto RGB images with accurate colors
- Support for custom color profiles, to match calibrated monitors and high-end displays
- Optional hardware accelerated high quality downscaling in DirectX mode, for best display quality
- Automatic tracking mode, displays the last image added to the picture folder automatically
- Configurable automatic advance mode, displays the next picture automatically at user-settable interval
- High precision linear R,G,B histogram with optional compression and per-channel normalization
- EXIF shooting data display with shutter speed, f-stop, ISO speed, exposure compensation and more
- Instant flip to the next image using either the keyboard, a mouse click or a scroll of the mouse wheel
- Easy browsing of tens of thousands (yes!) of images at a time, even in deeply nested multiple sub-folder hierarchies
- Instant switch between fit-to-window and 100% mode views from a single key press (or click), optional high-quality image rescaling
- Adobe XMP sidecar files creation and update (stores rating, labels, urgency settings in Adobe XMP-compliant metadata format)
- Embedded metadata writer for JPEG/TIFF/HD Photo/JPEG-XR files (Adobe XMP rating/labeling and Windows Vista rating)
- Mouse 'click-and-hold' instantaneous 100% zoom and configurable instantaneous 50 right-click magnifier
- Seamless multiple-subfolders browsing, in one single continuous sequence (easily browse an entire drive or CD/DVD at once)
- Drag & drop support, drop a folder or a set of files on FastPictureViewer to quickly view them.
- Single-click or single keystroke background copy of the "keepers" to a preset folder, without disruption of the viewing flow
- Plug'n'play integration with optional automatic browsing of inserted media or digital camera: view images straight off the camera
- Shell integration with "Open with FastPictureViewer..." context-menu options for local folders and drives
- Supports file associations from Windows Explorer ("Open With...") to e.g. associate JPEGs with FastPictureViewer.exe
- Instant automatic detection of new images added anywhere to the folder tree, while you browse (real-time "hot folder" concept)
- Multi-monitor awareness and huge monitor support, with full-screen borderless kiosk mode available at the press of the F11 key

What's new:
Added recently used folder context menus and Windows 7 taskbar jump list integration
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Bukkollaider 19/08/09 Просмотров: 1961